april 8 2023
Happy Easter! "winter" has been flying by. hard to believe that it is almost time to head back to wi.
beth and todd have left the area and Laurie had to leave a bit early d/t her mother in law becoming quite ill. fortunately she is doing better. so we have brought our sydney back to oak pond to wait for us to head back. laurie loved her and wants to use her again next winter. beth, todd and laurie are all going back to Paradise Oaks next winter.
very excited, next week our 3 boys are coming to Tampa to celebrate brads 40th birthday.; holy cow how did that happen!? we are going down for brads actual birthday. which i think will be the first time we have been with him on his birthday since he turned 18! crazy... kevin will spend a night here before his brothers arrive and eric will come after they party to help with a few big projects around the house. soooo excited to have us all together again even if just for a day.
been busy around the house doing odds and ends. always something to work on i guess. newest project is the flower bed in front of the house. hope to have that accomplished before we leave. also new windows going in the 3rd bedroom. and i want the big trees in our lot trimmed a lot to try and get rid of the moss crap.. my swimming classes did ok. had 2 people come every time. thanks jackie and sonny! its been very very hot here for the last month. setting records continually. no rain either. what little grass we have is getting quite brown. have gotten to know a few more people in the park. a community garage sale a couple of weeks ago helped get me talking to a few more people.
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