Happy 2025
Another year gone by. busy but i guess we are slowing down. got all settled in at the house and the little hurricane damage we had has been taken care of. Planted a raised garden bed in the back and it is doing well. But seriously cold weather happening right now. a high today of 50 and freezing again tonight. geez, this is florida! been covering up my babies nightly for a week already and will continue to do so for a week yet.
we went to brads for thanksgiving for a week and it was a great visit! did a lot of walking with bode. he is a good hiker. madison loved watching football with grandpa tom. kevin and aprill and the girls came for a couple of days at christmas. aprill, the girls and i hit up the farmers market in town and all of the gift shops on the main drag. it was a lot of fun. beta and todd finally got here the 1st of dec, so we have gotten together a few times since then. always fun. went to spring hill fl to visit some friends dan and bonnie that we met the first year we started traveling. also went to the villages to see friends scott and gail that we met in gulf shores a few years ago. funny how so many that we met the first couple of years have now bought places in the area and we still keep in touch. i have been doing my bike riding and doing the swim classes 3 times a week. keeps me busy. tom had cataract surgery on dec 20th and is now loving his better vision in the left eye. get together with ray and rita, john and diana next door a couple times a week for happy hour.l