Jan 21 2022
Dang near freezing to death here in florida! high of 50 today and will probably freeze tonight. brought my tender tomato plant in for a few days. been working to hard get a few tomatoes off of it. i brought it as a tiny plant from my garden in chippewa. it has about 12 tomatoes on it. still picking up roadside garbage on the sidewalk going into town but only go out every 12 days or so. still amazed at how much garbage people throw out their car windows.
we had the Webster gang over for a big fish fry last friday. so phil, jan, dave and jo joined us 5 for fish, laughs, giant Jenga and a few drinks. fortunately, the mosquitoes held off till nearly 6:30. yay for that. they are totally vicious down here.
we welcomed Kolsyn James Rykal into our family on Jan 13. 6# 11oz. our first great grandson. whew, now i feel old!
not much new on the house deal. but did take a few pictures the last time we were inside. waiting now for the electric to be re hooked up and make sure everything works.
we went to the crystal river manatee festival on a nice saturday. way too many people but i did have a lobster roll from one of the food trucks and it was divine! bought some organic mosquito spray that was supposed to keep them away, but for me i think it just attracts them to me. maybe they will freeze out tonight!