Opryland hotel. Nashville TN. Amazing place. Even a river running thru it!
Nashville Tn. Fun place. We got here last Tues. and will leave this tues. Broadway St. is so fun with bands and bars for blocks and every band is good! We are staying at Two Rivers campground off of hwy 155. site number 209. $350. for a wk. Nice place. So far we have gone to Broadway st a couple of times, toured the state capital, went to the Tennessee museum, toured opryland hotel and walked around the Grand ol Opry and the mall. Found a fun local bar that plays music all day just down the road from us called the Nashville Palace. Can even walk to it. Still have 1 more day here but haven't decided what to do yet. Had a decent trip down from Madison to here. Truck was shimmining a bit after we had the tires rotated in Menasha but it seemed to settle down after 400 miles.
Tom and Brett mastering the Rocky Balboa steps by the state capitol on our way to the farmers market