Aug. 24th 2018
What a fun couple of weeks! We met Joel, Karen, Randy and Debbie at Leinie's Lodge for a evening of beer and music then went to Fill Inn for fish and Pizza one night. Then the next day friends Bob and Shirley Ericson stopped in for a visit enroute to a family wedding, then joel and Karen had us over to supper for Zucchini lasagna. tom actually ate it with out too much complaining. it was delicious! then the same night we were invited over to Cheryl and Kevins for a campfire. Newly met folks that are going to be at the campground for a couple of months. Earlier in the week we had been invited over to Laurie and Mike Browns for a evening of beer and playing vinyl records. Peggy and her sister Mary were there also. Good time. On sunday last week Hazel and Dean Poppe had us over for dinner. Another good time! Monday we had to cook for ourselves. :( . We had mom and Joel and Karen over one night for Chow Mein. Then Val and Ken surprised us by coming on tues this week for a couple of nights camping, eating, shopping, golfing and wine were enjoyed. Phils dad died so he has left us in charge for the weekend while he goes to the funeral. Tom is handling most of it. It is forcing us to stay home and close to camp! good thing, I am exhausted! We are having the Rykal brothers and wives over on sunday for golfing and dinner. Still trying to decide what us women should do for the day. August is winding down quickly, by September we are going to have to start thinking about cleaning up, packing up and putting the summer stuff away. I got new glasses from sears optical last week, and now I hear the eau Claire store is closing. grrrrr!.