Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23rd 2017
Summer is flying by. first day of summer has already come and gone and now the days start to shorten. We have been busy moving all of our storage stuff down to my mom's and getting ready to sell it at a sale in my mom's garage.  we found a storage unit in Chippewa for $26 a month. it is small but we don't need to save much stuff anymore. Yesterdays sale went ok but today was slow. tomorrow is half price day. hopefully, we will be able to get rid of most of it. certainly was not worth paying storage costs for it any longer. tom was dx'd with Lyme disease this week. he started feeling ill on the 17th and by Wednesday the 21st he was so ill that there was no other choice but to go to urgent care. they called on thurs stating he was positive for Lyme. He is still ill enough that he has not gotten off of the couch for more than 15 minutes all week. hopefully, the doxy will kick in soon. thankfully, my cousin Eunice was willing to come and help at the sale on thurs and mom came for the afternoon today. It has been raining  a lot the last couple of weeks with some severe storms also. I hate storms. We are starting to become better acquainted with some of the other seasonal campers here at Pine Harbor. Nice folks. We are supposed to go to Canada on the 2nd of July to visit with friends John and Laurie for a few days. Hopefully Tom will improve greatly by then.

Friday, June 2, 2017

June 1st 2017
 We left Eric's on Monday and stayed once again at the Billings Walmart and had Braden over for supper. Beautiful evening to sit outside and visit. We continued on to Deadwood where we had reservations at the Steel Wheel campground. (site number 16). Originally, the cost was $35 with good sams but we joined Passport America and the cost was $19. Nice savings. We should have joined sooner. They have over 1800 participating campgrounds in the US. We went into Deadwood a couple of times but did not win on the slot machines. Darn! We did find a good deal on a meal at the Tin Lizzy. $2.99 for a burger/fries/drink. Best deal in Deadwood I think. We crossed off another NP on thurs. Wind Cave NP just out of Custer. We took a one hour tour of one of the caves and did a hike. Nice tour (Garden of Eden) but one hour was long enough to be underground. Now we are headed back to Chippewa. Hopefully, will make it to Sioux Falls today.
Tom just finds girls everywhere

Downtown Deadwood

View from our campsite